Nancy Pants Johnson

Nancy Pants Johnson

author educator advocate


Description: Spirit Child & Mother Earth

Image Credit: Art from the Soule


Dear Readers, Writers, and Dreamers,

I have dreamed of being a writer since I was eight years old, when I typed “books” on my antique Underwood typewriter. Equal to that dream was the one to be a teacher. I would insist that my friends and my three sisters sit quietly in my bedroom school room (nestled within the flowered wallpaper and the purple shag carpet) to complete the assignments I gave them. I was kind, but firm.

I was lucky to have both dreams come true: I was a high school English teacher in the inner city for twenty years, and I wrote Things My Mama Never Told Me . . . about being a girl. It’s the book I wish I would have had when I was a teenager. Since writing the first page, I envisioned a new dream: that teen girls would be able to use the book as a tool to help them navigate the confusing emotions and decisions with which they are confronted on a daily basis. 

Along the way I found that adult women related to many of the stories told by teens in the book. They realized that they, too, wanted to heal their teen selves. Things My Mama Never Told Me became a catalyst to share stories, reveal secrets, and heal the teen within.

I welcome you to our crew of brave, resilient, powerful women of all ages who are ready to delve deeper into their teen selves to uncover things our mamas never told us.


