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The Dream:

My dream for many years has been to write Things My Mama Never Told Me and then get it into the hands of as many teen girls as I can.

The Need for Things My Mama Never Told Me in the Schools:

  • I taught in an inner city high school for nearly 20 years. In retirement, I returned to the same high school to interview students about 24 different topics (see topic list here). I presented in classrooms and asked for volunteers who wanted to tell their stories. 

  • Every student I talked to wished that there was someone or some thing that would give them answers to hundreds of questions swirling in their heads and hearts. Their cultures, religions, and/or families did not encourage these discussions. I often heard, “Mrs. J, can I get a copy of this book when it’s finished?” I wrote down their names and their emails.

  • Unfortunately, many of these students will not have the funds to buy this book. Neither will their families.

  • In many school districts, funding has been cut for programs that visit classrooms and educate students about sex, birth control, STDS, and personal safety. Teachers shared with me the need for appropriate information to fill that niche.

  • High schools are often organized in academies now and skills are taught with project-based learning. Academies like Social Justice, Health & Human Services, and Academy of Literature & Arts could use the topics in the book to provide curriculum that teaches towards their goals for the year. 

Get Things My Mama Never Told Me Into the Hands of Teens Project:

Help me in my goal to:

  • Get class sets to any teacher in any high school who would like to use Things My Mama Never Told Me in a teaching project.

  • Get individual books into the hands of any high school teen who wants or needs one.

    Donation options:

    • $15 Pre-order one copy of Things My Mama Never Told Me for one teen

    • $90 Donate six copies for a teen book club

    • $360 Donate one class set at a discounted price of $10 per book

    • Any amount—all donations gratefully accepted

"When Mrs. Johnson asked me to interview for her book, Things Mama Never Told Me, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Once I understood the concept, I committed to answering honestly in hopes of actually understanding myself better. I often fumbled or looped through memories to actually figure out how to answer the questions. It gave me this excited feeling. It also opened up the beginnings of some deep personal interactions I didn’t know I needed.

I never felt that Mrs. Johnson’s questions were too personal or far-reaching. Maybe that’s because her energy is peaceful and trusting. If there was anyone I could have trusted to open me up in such a way, it would be her. I am thankful that Mrs. Johnson chose me to be a part of her journey as an author. It definitely changed my life. My hopes are that readers will begin to see how key things that Mrs. Johnson addresses are so very important in understanding their teen years, and that this book will bring about positive change in their lives." —Adrian F.